Closing a Deal with a Cigar

Closing A Deal

The tradition of “closing a deal” with a cigar or even a box of cigars, has been a worldwide tradition for centuries. “Hey, Fred! Heard you just had a baby in the family. Try one of these cigars and congratulations.” “Robert, you been our number one insurance agent for two straight years, now. You deserve a raise and one of these $10 dollar cigars to show our appreciation for your efforts.” Yep, no doubt about it, folks. Closing a deal (no matter what kind) is an iconoclast’s iconoclast method of saying thanks and it is here to stay.

Historically speaking, cigar gifts represent a time of celebration or victory. The birth of a child, weddings, business mergers and more often, a victory cigar for a sporting event. There’s no doubt about it that winning something or being your best at something go hand in hand. And it’s been a fact for longer than most people can remember. However, in order to examine the history of cigar celebrations would take hours of serious research as to when and where it happened. It’s common knowledge that the Mayan civilization puffed on tobacco leaves and when Christopher Columbus hit the shores of America, he also discovered the tobacco plant. And Native Americans were closing their own deals by smoking tobacco wrapped in corn husks or palm.

There are various forms of sharing in order to celebrate. Food and the Native American “peace pipe” come to mind. Also, religious ceremonies and in time of war, many deals were closed celebrating a win on the battlefield or a promotion to a different rank. But all that said, the most common types of celebrations in which cigars are passed out along with a pat on the back or shaking of the hands, still remain childbirth, promotions, or a business deal. Oh, let us not forget the holidays and patriotic celebrations like the 4th of July.

In the final analysis a cigar fits in wishing some person luck, achieving a goal, as a reward, encouragement to work harder, and to, well, just taking a break and relax.

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