Only 30 Minutes to Smoke These Cigars

30 min

You need to have some cigars on-hand that you’re going to be able to use in just 30 minutes. There are other times when you’ll be able to spend more time smoking a cigar, but there are some times when you just don’t have the time. There are a lot of things that’re going to be fun to smoke if you’ve chosen them in advanced, but all three of these are going to be great when you only got 30 minutes to for a cigar smoke.

Only 30 Minutes to Smoke Brand #3: 601 Cigars
601 is really great because it’s very basic but extremely nice at the same time. It doesn’t have a lot of flavors in it, but it’s still the best thing that you can use when you’re trying to get much better results from a short cigar. This is going to be a cigar that you’re going to be able to use when it’s crunch time, and it’s going to be easier for you overall because you don’t have to soak in it. The singular flavor is nice.

Only 30 Minutes to Smoke Brand #2: Acid Cigars
Acid cigars are a lot stronger than some of the others you might have tried, but it’s going to be that one strong cigar that you can use to get one strong smoke when you only have half an hour to smoke. You won’t have to feel like you wasted time because the cigar was too complex, but you’ll still get some strong flavors to smoke on that’re going to make it fun for you with the short time you have.

Only 30 Minutes to Smoke Brand #1: Affinity Cigars
The Affinity cigars are going to be great for you because they’re going to help you get through your smoke with time to spare. You only have so much time as it is, and you’re going to have to do something to make sure that you get that extra couple minutes before you need to move on to your next task. This is going to be much easier when you’re smoking Affinity. These cigars will give you a powerful flavor that will make you feel like you spent your half an hour wisely.

The cigars you choose for short smokes are going to have to be stronger and simpler than the cigars that you’re going to soak in for hours at a time. You don’t want to waste a complex cigar on a smoke that was too short, and you need to make sure that you’ve some cheap cigars that’re going to be good for short smokes.

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