Newbie Cigar Mistakes

Cigar Newbie

Everyday day there’s a new cigar smoker. These smokers get into cigar smoking without a clue on what type of cigar to buy, how to smoke it, and which cigar suits their preference the most. A lot of newbies get the urge to smoke cigars from the friends they hang out with. The sweet cigar smoke aroma motivates most of them to start.

Any newbie in cigar smoking should however consider many different factors from the point of sale to the point of consumption. Information about cigars is critical for any newbie and many of them don’t know where to get this information. This results to wastage of money for cigars, as they don’t come to like them because as we know, quality cigars are not that cheap!

Mistake #1
When newbies buy cigars, there are two important things to consider (this is where most newbies mistake) flavor and pricing. It’s important for newbies to start cheap and be familiar with the cigar flavor that wouldn’t disappoint them. I’m not suggesting that they get to start with cheap factory rejects, they should start with affordable cigars.

Affordable cigars enable the newbies to sample or explore different types of cigar until they find the one(s) that suit their taste without wasting lots of bucks on this “expenditure”. This sampling also helps them develop their taste for cigars. They get acquainted with various cigar flavors, therefore developing a taste for their preferred flavor.

This affordable cigars are very mild with light body wrap, ensuring they get to become familiar with the “small stuff” before upgrading to big cigars with greater effects which could be too much for a newbie to handle.

Mistake #2
This brings us to mistake #2. Newbies should also start with light cigars. Most of them prefer to start on cigars with high nicotine and dominant flavor content. This results to adverse effects on the newbies and evidently scares them away from cigar smoking. It’s therefore very important for newbies to start on cigars with little contents of nicotine and dominant flavors. Later, they can slowly upgrade to cigars with stronger composition of these components.

Mistake #3
An embarrassing scenario most newbies face is lighting their cigars without cutting to remove the cap, all hand-rolled cigars are enclosed with a cap that prevents the tobacco inside from rolling out. Newbies should therefore ensure they cut the cap but not too much, only the cigar’s tip.

Mistake #4
Another mistake made by newbies is their tendency to start on large sized cigars as they want to spend money and fill the thrill of smoking large cigars as the pros do. However, this shouldn’t be the case. Newbies should start with smaller sized cigars as this shortens the smoking time, thus enabling the newbie to get to differentiate various flavors with ease while reducing the effect of high nicotine-content smoking.

Mistake #5
Cigar smoking is all about appreciating the flavor and not inhaling the smoke. Newbies should therefore master the art of drawing and puffing without again, inhaling the smoke. Newbies should also check on their smoking speed. They shouldn’t smoke fast as this lessens the appreciation of cigar smoking.

Evidently, cigar smoking is an art that takes time for a newbie to attain perfection at. It’s therefore important for a newbie to take it slow and follow the steps and instructions stated to avoid these mistakes. With this guideline, the newbie will hopefully be a pro in no time!

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