Produced by Don Pepin Garcia and distributed by the acclaimed Ashton Cigar Company, Aroma De Cuba cigars were a premium Cuban brand dating back to the 1800’s. Revamped and back on the market, Aroma De Cuba cigars are crafted to taste and burn exactly like the original Cuban line. This is a sophisticated and bold cigar packed with the finest, aged Nicaraguan tobacco and wrapped with a Connecticut Broadleaf wrapper. The flavor profile is medium-bodied with a taste of earth and cedar and notes of cool spice and brown sugar.
La Aroma De Cuba Robusto 5 Pack
Package of 5
x 54
Winston Churchill often referred to La Aroma de Cuba Cigars as one
of his favorite cigar brands during the turn-of-the-century.
Cuban cigars La Aroma de Cuba Nicaraguan Churchill. Winston
Churchill described La Aroma de Cuba Cigars as one of his favorites
during the turn-of-the-century.
For the first time, we are delighted to announce that La Aroma de
Cuba is now being crafted in Nicaragua by the renowned Don Pepin
Garcia. Ashton have worked hard for over two years to develop this
reinvigorated blend which maintains the signature richness and
spice of the classic but adds an extra layer of complexity and
intensity. Composed with only the choicest Nicaraguan long fillers
and a careful cigar wrap, you are sure to love this distinctive
product whether it is your first time or you are a devoted fan.
A reincarnation of the original Cuban cigar from the 19th century,
La Aroma De Cuba El Jefe cigars are a masterpiece. Now handmade in
Nicaragua by the Garcia family, La Aroma De Cuba cigars feature
gorgeous, chocolatey Connecticut Broadleaf wrappers surrounding a
rich, spicy blend of Nicaraguan tobacco. Discover this magnificent
modern-day classic by adding some to your cart now. The world's
most honored premium cigar.
Rothschild La Aroma De Cuba cigars are a wonderful remake of the
original Cuban cigars from the 19th century. The current La Aroma
De Cuba cigars are handcrafted in Nicaragua by the Garcia family.
They feature gorgeous, chocolate-colored Connecticut Broadleaf
wrappers surrounded by a rich, spicy Nicaraguan tobacco blend.
Discover this magnificent modern-day classic by adding some to your
cart now. One of the world's most honored premium cigars.
Pepin and Jaime Garcia, two well-known cigar makers, beautifully
bring together premium Nicaraguan long-filler tobaccos encased
with an Ecuadorian Connecticut-seed wrapper for La Aroma de Cuba
Connecticut. These tobaccos are harvested from the Garcia estates
in EstelĂ, Jalapa, and Condega before going through a triple
fermentation process. Almonds, cashew, cedar and coffee bean
aromas blend pleasantly with hints of buttercream before letting
off a smooth finish. Experience the Garcia family's unmatched
craftsmanship by trying this mild yet refined classic from the
award-winning La Aroma de Cuba collection today.
If you've experienced a La Aroma de Cuba cigar, you're well aware
of their exceptional quality. And for those who haven't yet
sampled this renowned brand, now is the perfect opportunity to do
so. After all, we're discussing the brand that has given us the
highly-rated La Aroma de Cuba, La Aroma de Cuba Reserva, La Aroma
de Cuba Edicion Especial, and Mi Amor, which was previously
ranked as the #2 cigar of the year. The latest addition to their
impressive portfolio is the La Aroma de Cuba Connecticut, a
collaboration between Jose 'Don Pepin' Garcia and Jaime Garcia.
Handcrafted at Pepin Garcia's My Father factory in Nicaragua,
this cigar features an Ecuadorian Connecticut wrapper and
top-quality Nicaraguan binder and filler that have undergone a
triple fermentation process. The end result? A mellow-medium
bodied smoke with enticing hints of coffee, cedar, and almond.
The La Aroma de Cuba Connecticut is definitely one to try and add
to your collection without delay! does not sell tobacco products to anyone under the age of 21. does not sell cigarettes. It is unlawful to purchase cigars below the minimum age. If you are not at least 21 years of age, please do not enter our site.
If you purchase cigars online from this site you are certifying that you are over the age of 21.
Individuals who are caught attempting to purchase these products under the age of 21 will forfeit their
payment and be subject to full prosecution under the law. All California residents are subject to 8.75%
sales tax from cigar stores for cigars and tobacco products only, an additional 52.92% excise tax which
will be added during the checkout process.