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Davidoff Nicaragua Series Cigars
This first foray into Nicaraguan puro territory by the famed Davidoff brand of luxury handmade premium cigars, the Davidoff Nicaragua Series has proven to be a real success not only among popular cigar publications, but also among serious cigar smokers with a taste for top-quality Nicaraguan tobaccos. The Davidoff Nicaragua Series features a complex blend crafted from seed to cigar over the course of a decade by the renowned Henke Kelner and his team to offer a bold yet balanced body with a unique bittersweetness brought about only by the rich volcanic soils of Nicaragua's most notable tobacco-growing regions. Finished with a lush and inviting Habano-seed Rosado wrapper leaf, the Davidoff Nicaragua Series selection showcases spicy and subtly salty notes against an underlying creamy yet hearty earthiness and smooth leather character that keep this cigar's ample strength from becoming overpowering. An innovative and intense smoking experience, the Davidoff Nicaragua Series is an elegant option expertly designed for seasoned smokers buying handmade luxury cigars online. Robusto rated 91 by Cigar Insider in 2013, and first place in Cigar Snob's "Top 25 Cigars of 2013"Toro rated 95 by Cigar Aficionado in 2013
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