From Nicaragua, comes the Rosa Cuba handmade cigars. They are packed with a long-filler blend of black tobaccos and wrapped in an Ecuador Sumatra EMS wrapper and a bold flavor with every draw. The Rosa Cuba is bold cigar with a rich, earthy and spicy draw, highlighted by a toasty finish. These cigars offer a flawlessly, even burn from beginning to end.
Featuring a bundled, mixed-filler sandwich cigar, Rosa Cuba Angels
cigars are made by Nicaraguan American Tobacco S. A. in Esteli,
Nicaragua. Handmade and solidly constructed, this cigar delivers an
exceptional flavor of black tobacco that draws and burns well. An
exceptional value for money.
Rosa Cuba Flor de Rosa is a medium to full-bodied hand-made cigar
from Nicaragua that is spicy and flavorful without compromising
on quality. With Dominican, Nicaraguan, and Honduran fillers, the
cigars get their bold, spicy taste from Ecuador's Sumatra seed
wrapper. These cigars are bound in a Nicaraguan leaf binder that
holds them firmly.
The Rosa Cuba Gigante Cigar is made with a blend of mix-filler
black tobaccos and wrapped in a smooth Ecuadorian Sumatra EMS
wrapper. You'll experience bold, balanced flavor with every draw
of the Rosa Cuba Gigante Cigar. This 60 ring gauge cigar will
keep you smoking all night!
Cigars by Rosa Cuba Governors - Rosa Cuba Governors cigars. A
bundled, mixed-filler sandwich cigar from Nicaraguan American
Tobacco S. A. in Esteli, Nicaragua, Rosa Cuba is a handmade,
solidly constructed cigar delivering a genuine black tobacco flavor
that draws well and burns well.
Rosa Cuba Herencia cigars. As a bundled, mixed-filler sandwich
cigar from Nicaraguan American Tobacco S. A. in Esteli, Nicaragua,
Rosa Cuba is a great value cigar that draws and burns well and
delivers a genuine black tobacco flavor.
Media Noche Rosa Cuba cigars - Rosa Cuba media Noche cigars are
bundled, mixed-filler sandwich cigars made by Nicaraguan American
Tobacco S. A. in Esteli, Nicaragua. An extraordinary value for
money! A handmade, solidly constructed cigar that draws and burns
Rosa Cuba Mille Fleurs cigars. A handmade, solidly constructed,
mixed-filler sandwich cigar from Nicaraguan American Tobacco S. A.
in Esteli, Nicaragua, Rosa Cuba is a bundled, mixed-filler sandwich
cigar. It draws and burns well and delivers a true taste of black
tobacco. An extraordinary value!
Rosa Cuba Ortiz y LaBoy cigars are bundled, mixed-filler sandwich
cigars made by Nicaraguan American Tobacco S. A. in Esteli,
Nicaragua. This handcrafted, solidly constructed cigar delivers
genuine black tobacco flavor and draws well and burns well. An
extraordinary value!
It is a bundled, mixed-filler sandwich cigar made by Nicaraguan
American Tobacco S. A. in Esteli, Nicaragua. It is a handmade,
solidly constructed cigar that draws and burns well, as well as
delivers a genuine black tobacco flavor. An extraordinary value!
Retail Price:$60.22
Availability:In Stock
Showing 1 to 9
of 9
Disclaimer does not sell tobacco products to anyone under the age of 21. does not sell cigarettes. It is unlawful to purchase cigars below the minimum age. If you are not at least 21 years of age, please do not enter our site.
If you purchase cigars online from this site you are certifying that you are over the age of 21.
Individuals who are caught attempting to purchase these products under the age of 21 will forfeit their
payment and be subject to full prosecution under the law. All California residents are subject to 8.75%
sales tax from cigar stores for cigars and tobacco products only, an additional 52.92% excise tax which
will be added during the checkout process.