For 45 years, Macanudo’s cigar brand has remained an icon in the Cigar World. With a revamp to their line in recent years, the Macanudo cigar have been entrepreneurs in the cigar world, making daring and exotic blends to bring to the table. Wrapped in silky Connecticut wrappers, this premium cigar offers the smoothest draw due to the Dominican grown tobacco being triple-fermented.
Ascot cigars by Macanudo use carefully selected filler tobaccos
from Jamaica and the Dominican Republic, a Mexican binder, and a
Connecticut shade-grown wrapper.
Macanudo Ascot Maduro cigars are the #1 selling cigar in the United
States. This cigar is made from carefully selected filler tobaccos
from Jamaica and the Dominican Republic, a binder from Mexico, and
a Connecticut shade-grown wrapper that has been twice aged.
In America, Macanudo Baron De Rothschild cigars are the
most-requested premium cigars. Handcrafted in the Dominican
Republic with Connecticut shade wrappers that are particularly
silky, Macanudo Baron De Rothschild cigars are always mild,
aromatic and easy to draw.
Macanudo Baron de Rothschild Maduro cigars. Macanudo cigars are
manufactured with carefully selected filler tobaccos from Jamaica
and the Dominican Republic, the binder is from Mexico, and the
wrapper is made from Connecticut shade-grown tobacco.
The Macanudo Court Tins offer top-quality flavor in a small
package. Just grab your tin, hit the road, and enjoy this legendary
smoke wherever you are.
Macanudo Caviar cigars are America's most-requested premium cigar.
They are handcrafted in the Dominican Republic with Connecticut
shade wrappers which are especially silky.
A Macanudo Claybourne cigar is the #1 selling cigar in the United
States. It is made with carefully chosen filler tobaccos from
Jamaica and the Dominican Republic, a binding from Mexico, and a
Connecticut shade-grown wrapper that has been aged twice.
The Macanudo Court Cafe Tubes cigars are made with Macanudo's
classic blend of perfectly-aged Dominican Mexican San Andreas
tobacco and silky Connecticut Shade wrappers.
Cigars Macanudo Crystal - Macanudo Crystal cigars are made from
carefully selected filler tobaccos from Jamaica and the Dominican
Republic, the binder is from Mexico, and the wrapper is a twice
aged Connecticut shade-grown leaf.
Macanudo Crystal Maduro cigars are the best-selling brand in the
United States, due to their mild flavor created by a Connecticut
shade wrapper, along with Dominican Republic and Jamaican filler
tobaccos. The Mexican binder provides a silky and satisfying blend.
If you're looking for a slightly fuller body, then Macanudo Robust
is your choice - featuring a Connecticut Broadleaf wrapper. No
matter which Macanudo you pick, you can always expect consistent
smoothness and top notch construction.
The Macanudo Diplomat cigar is the #1 cigar in the United States.
It is made with carefully selected filler tobaccos from Jamaica and
the Dominican Republic, a Mexican binder, and Connecticut
shade-grown wrapper.
The Macanudo Diplomat Maduro cigar is not your typical maduro
cigar; it's much more than that. Only Macanudo could make a cigar
that would be mellow and rich at the same time.
The Macanudo Duke of Devon cigars are made from a fine blend of
mild, aromatic Dominican and Mexican San Andrean tobaccos encased
in one of the smoothest smoking Connecticut wrappers in the world.
An excellent cigar to smoke at the end of the day. One of the
world's great cigars.
In the United States, Macanudo is the #1 cigar seller. Macanudo
Duke of Windsor cigars are made up of carefully selected filler
tobaccos from Jamaica and the Dominican Republic, a binder from
Mexico, and a Connecticut shade-grown leaf twice aged.
The Macanudo Duke of York cigars offer the best in Macanudo
craftsmanship, flavor, and aroma. The Macanudo Duke of York cigars
are extra-wide Robusto cigars. Featuring the smoothest Dominican
fillers, Mexican San Andreas binders, and the silkiest Connecticut
shade wrapper. Macanudo's finest "must try" cigar. It has a smooth,
mellow taste that lasts all year round.
In this luxurious smoke, you'll get notes of almonds, caramel,
and cedar. Its Connecticut Broadleaf maduro wrapper is encased in
a Nicaraguan binder and filled with leaves from Nicaragua,
Colombia, the Dominican Republic, and Spain. Macanudo Emissary
Espana cigars have aged between five and ten years. The cigars
are handmade in Nicaragua and are perfect with espresso, cognac,
and single malt whisky.
Macanudo is truly America's go-to premium cigar. Its smoothness and
aroma are unparalleled, and the selection of sizes, from the small
Ascots to the larger Prince of Wales, make it accessible to
everyone from beginners to long-time aficionados. Experience this
one-of-a-kind smoke for yourself: every smoker should enjoy its
creamy flavor and pleasant scent at least once.
The Macanudo Gigante Maduro cigars are not your typical maduro
cigars, they are produced with the best Dominican Cuban seed
tobaccos that are wrapped within a silky, dark Connecticut
broadleaf wrapper.
Macanudo Gold Label Duke of York (5.2" x 54) is smooth and
flavorful with notes of cream, spice, and almonds. Made with a
blend of Dominican and Mexican long-fillers, this Macanudo classic
is both mellow and complex.
The Macanudo Hampton Court Cafe cigar is a classic Corona, mild
enough to light up with your morning coffee or a mellow way to wind
down after a long day. Discover why Macanudo is America's most
popular cigar because of its flawless craftsmanship, outstanding
taste, and consistency. Order a box and find out why.
Introducing Macanudo Hampton Court Maduro cigars. Macanudo Hampton
Court Maduro cigars are not your typical maduro cigars; they are
much more than that. Only Macanudo managed to make a maduro cigar
that is mellow with a rich flavor.
Macanudo Hyde Park - Macanudo Hyde Park cigars. Using only the
finest perfectly aged Dominican tobaccos and U. S. Connecticut
Shade wrappers, these Macanudo Hyde Park cigars provide all the
creamy, mellow Macanudo flavor and aroma that you'll love. There's
nothing like this classic in a cigar humidor.
Only Macanudo could make a maduro cigar which is both mellow and
rich at the same time. This makes Macanudo Hyde Park Maduro cigars
the ultimate in maduro cigars.
Macanudo Lords - Macanudo Lords cigars. With the finest Connecticut
Shade wrapper and Macanudo's flavorful blend of Dominican tobaccos
and a select binder grown in the rich Mexican San Andres Valley,
the Macanudo Lords is the perfect size between the Rothschild and
Robusto. The smoke is mild and satisfying for a reasonable price.
Macanudo Miniatures cigars are the #1 selling cigars in the United
States. They are made from carefully selected filler tobaccos from
Jamaica and the Dominican Republic, a Mexican binder and a
Connecticut shade-grown Connecticut wrapper. does not sell tobacco products to anyone under the age of 21. does not sell cigarettes. It is unlawful to purchase cigars below the minimum age. If you are not at least 21 years of age, please do not enter our site.
If you purchase cigars online from this site you are certifying that you are over the age of 21.
Individuals who are caught attempting to purchase these products under the age of 21 will forfeit their
payment and be subject to full prosecution under the law. All California residents are subject to 8.75%
sales tax from cigar stores for cigars and tobacco products only, an additional 52.92% excise tax which
will be added during the checkout process.